Cumberland, MD Crime Reports & Statistics
Neighborhood Crime Statistics For Cumberland, Maryland
Population: 20,372 in 2009
The Cumberland, MD crime report and city information below can give residents and potential residents incite on their local area and surroundings. This information that was collected and published on this site is from the participation of over 17,000 law enforcement agencies across the United States. These statistics are collected and published by the FBI on an annual basis for special studies and reports, on the cities in the United States. *
Cumberland, MD Crime Categories
Cumberland, MD Law Enforcement Statistics
Law Enforcement officers are individuals who ordinarily carry a firearm and a badge, have full arrest powers, and are paid from governmental funds set aside specifically for sworn law enforcement representatives. (UCR Definition)
Law Enforcement -
Cumberland, MDYear 2009 | Total Employees 56 | Officers 53 | Civilians 3 |
Year 2008 | Total Employees 53 | Officers 50 | Civilians 3 |
Year 2007 | Total Employees 53 | Officers 50 | Civilians 3 |
Year 2006 | Total Employees 51 | Officers 49 | Civilians 2 |
Cumberland, MD Violent Crime Statistics
In 2009, Cumberland, Maryland law enforcement had 202 violent crimes reported. With a population of 20,372 in 2009, there were 99.2 occurrences of violent crimes per 10k persons in Cumberland, Maryland. The total known offenses in 2006, 2007 and 2008 were 188, 180 and 170, respectively .
Violent crime is composed of four offenses: forcible rape, murder and non-negligent manslaughter, aggravated assault, and robbery. Violent crimes involve force or threat of force. (UCR Definition)
Violent Crimes -
Cumberland, MDYear 2009 | Population 20,372 | Occurrences 202 | Occurrences (per 10k) 99.2 |
Year 2008 | Population 20,558 | Occurrences 170 | Occurrences (per 10k) 82.7 |
Year 2007 | Population 20,654 | Occurrences 180 | Occurrences (per 10k) 87.2 |
Year 2006 | Population 20,972 | Occurrences 188 | Occurrences (per 10k) 89.6 |
Cumberland, MD Forceable Rape Crime Statistics
In 2009, Cumberland, Maryland had 7.4 occurrences of forcible rape per 10k persons in a population of 20,372 in 2009. The total known offenses of forcible rape in Cumberland in 2009 was 15. There were 20 known offenses in 2006, 7 in 2007, and 13 in 2008.
Forcible rape is the carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will. Rapes by force and attempts or assaults to rape regardless of the age of the victim are included. Statutory offenses (no force used--victim under age of consent) are excluded. (UCR Definition)
Forcible Rape -
Cumberland, MDYear 2009 | Population 20,372 | Occurrences 15 | Occurrences (per 10k) 7.4 |
Year 2008 | Population 20,558 | Occurrences 13 | Occurrences (per 10k) 6.3 |
Year 2007 | Population 20,654 | Occurrences 7 | Occurrences (per 10k) 3.4 |
Year 2006 | Population 20,972 | Occurrences 20 | Occurrences (per 10k) 9.5 |
Cumberland, MD Murder Statistics
Cumberland, Maryland had 1 murders in 2009. With a total population of 20372 in 2009, there were 0.5 occurrences of murder per 10k persons in Cumberland, Maryland. The murder rates in Cumberland, Maryland in 2006, 2007 and 2008 were 1, 0 and 1, respectively.
Murder and non-negligent manslaughter is the willful (non-negligent) killing of one human being by another. (UCR Definition)
Year 2009 | Population 20,372 | Occurrences 1 | Occurrences (per 10k) 0.5 |
Year 2008 | Population 20,558 | Occurrences 1 | Occurrences (per 10k) 0.5 |
Year 2007 | Population 20,654 | Occurrences 0 | Occurrences (per 10k) 0.0 |
Year 2006 | Population 20,972 | Occurrences 1 | Occurrences (per 10k) 0.5 |
Cumberland, MD Aggravated Assault Statistics
The total known offenses of aggravated assault in Cumberland, Maryland in 2009 was 166. Cumberland had 81.5 occurrences of aggravated assault per 10k persons in a population of 20,372 in 2009. In Cumberland there were 142 offenses in 2006, 138 in 2007, and 129 in 2008.
Aggravated assault is an unlawful attack by one person upon another for the purpose of inflicting severe or aggravated bodily injury. The Program further specifies that this type of assault is usually accompanied by the use of a weapon or by other means likely to produce death or great bodily harm. Attempted aggravated assault that involves the display of--or threat to use--a gun, knife, or other weapon is included in this crime category because serious personal injury would likely result if the assault were completed. When aggravated assault and larceny-theft occur together, the offense falls under the category of robbery. (UCR Definition)
Year 2009 | Population 20,372 | Occurrences 166 | Occurrences (per 10k) 81.5 |
Year 2008 | Population 20,558 | Occurrences 129 | Occurrences (per 10k) 62.7 |
Year 2007 | Population 20,654 | Occurrences 138 | Occurrences (per 10k) 66.8 |
Year 2006 | Population 20,972 | Occurrences 142 | Occurrences (per 10k) 67.7 |
Cumberland, MD Robbery Statistics
In 2009, Cumberland, Maryland had 20 occurrences of robberies reported to the police. With 20,372 in 2009 people living in Cumberland, in 2009 there were 9.8 occurrences per 10k persons. Based on statistics from the FBI, there were 25 robberies in 2006, 35 in 2007 and 27 in 2008.
Robbery is the taking or attempting to take anything of value from the care, custody, or control of a person or persons by force or threat of force or violence and/or by putting the victim in fear. (UCR Definition)
Year 2009 | Population 20,372 | Occurrences 20 | Occurrences (per 10k) 9.8 |
Year 2008 | Population 20,558 | Occurrences 27 | Occurrences (per 10k) 13.1 |
Year 2007 | Population 20,654 | Occurrences 35 | Occurrences (per 10k) 16.9 |
Year 2006 | Population 20,972 | Occurrences 25 | Occurrences (per 10k) 11.9 |
Cumberland, MD Property Crime Statistics
A property crime includes burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft and arson. In 2009, Cumberland, Maryland had 1318 property crimes. The population in 2009 for Cumberland was 20,372 in 2009; the number of violent crimes per 10k persons was 647.0. Looking back at the previous three years in Cumberland, Maryland, you will see that there were 1284 property crimes in 2006, 1266 in 2007 and 1217 in 2008.
A property crime includes the offenses of burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson. The object of the theft-type offenses is the taking of money or property, but there is no force or threat of force against the victims. The property crime category includes arson because the offense involves the destruction of property; however, arson victims may be subjected to force. Because of limited participation and varying collection procedures by local agencies, only limited data are available for arson. Arson statistics are included in trend, clearance, and arrest tables throughout Crime in the United States, but they are not included in any estimated volume data. The arson section in this report provides more information on that offense. (UCR Definition)
Property Crime -
Cumberland, MDYear 2009 | Population 20,372 | Occurrences 1,318 | Occurrences (per 10k) 647.0 |
Year 2008 | Population 20,558 | Occurrences 1,217 | Occurrences (per 10k) 592.0 |
Year 2007 | Population 20,654 | Occurrences 1,266 | Occurrences (per 10k) 613.0 |
Year 2006 | Population 20,972 | Occurrences 1,284 | Occurrences (per 10k) 612.2 |
Cumberland, MD Burglary Statistics
The total known offenses of burglary in Cumberland, Maryland in 2009 was 380. Burglary is part of the violent crimes category. Based on the known offenses and its population of 20,372 in 2009 in 2009, Cumberland, Maryland had 186.5 occurrences of burglary per 10k persons. In Cumberland there were 311 burglary offenses in 2006, 293 in 2007, and 298 in 2008.
Burglary is defined in the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program as the unlawful entry of a structure to commit a felony or theft. The use of force to gain entry is not required to classify an offense as a burglary. Burglary in the UCR program is categorized into three sub classifications: forcible entry, unlawful entry where no force is used, and attempted forcible entry. (UCR Definition)
Did you know that a burglary occurs in the United States every 15 seconds? In 2008, there were 2.4 billion burglaries in just the U.S.A! Property loss due to burglary totaled $4.3 billion in 2008, with an average loss of $1,991 per occurrence. You may qualify for a FREE home security system; simply fill out the form on the top of this page to get a free, no-obligation quote and protect yourself from being part of these statistics.
Burglary -
Cumberland, MDYear 2009 | Population 20,372 | Occurrences 380 | Occurrences (per 10k) 186.5 |
Year 2008 | Population 20,558 | Occurrences 298 | Occurrences (per 10k) 145.0 |
Year 2007 | Population 20,654 | Occurrences 293 | Occurrences (per 10k) 141.9 |
Year 2006 | Population 20,972 | Occurrences 311 | Occurrences (per 10k) 148.3 |
Cumberland, MD Larceny Statistics
Cumberland, Maryland had 916 offenses of larceny-theft reported to the police in 2009. With 20,372 in 2009 people living in Cumberland that year, there were 449.6 occurrences per 10k persons. Based on the statistics from the FBI, there were 936 larceny-thefts in 2006, 935 in 2007 and 899 in 2008.
Larceny-theft (except motor vehicle theft) is the unlawful taking, carrying, leading, or riding away of property from the possession or constructive possession of another. Examples are thefts of bicycles or automobile accessories, shoplifting, pocket-picking, or the stealing of any property or article which is not taken by force and violence or by fraud. Attempted larcenies are included. Embezzlement, confidence games, forgery, worthless checks, etc., are excluded. (UCR Definition)
Year 2009 | Population 20,372 | Occurrences 916 | Occurrences (per 10k) 449.6 |
Year 2008 | Population 20,558 | Occurrences 899 | Occurrences (per 10k) 437.3 |
Year 2007 | Population 20,654 | Occurrences 935 | Occurrences (per 10k) 452.7 |
Year 2006 | Population 20,972 | Occurrences 936 | Occurrences (per 10k) 446.3 |
Cumberland, MD Motor Vehicle Crime Statistics
In 2009, Cumberland, Maryland law enforcement had 22 motor vehicle thefts reported. With a population of 20,372 in 2009 in Cumberland, there were 10.8 occurrences of motor vehicle theft per 10k persons. The total known offenses by law enforcement of this kind in 2006, 2007 and 2008 were 37, 38 and 20, respectively.
Motor vehicle theft is the theft or attempted theft of a motor vehicle. The offense includes the stealing of automobiles, trucks, buses, motorcycles, snowmobiles, etc. The taking of a motor vehicle for temporary use by persons having lawful access is excluded from this definition. (UCR Definition)
Motor Vehicle Crime -
Cumberland, MDYear 2009 | Population 20,372 | Occurrences 22 | Occurrences (per 10k) 10.8 |
Year 2008 | Population 20,558 | Occurrences 20 | Occurrences (per 10k) 9.7 |
Year 2007 | Population 20,654 | Occurrences 38 | Occurrences (per 10k) 18.4 |
Year 2006 | Population 20,972 | Occurrences 37 | Occurrences (per 10k) 17.6 |
Cumberland, MD Arson Statistics
The total known offenses of arson in Cumberland in 2009 was 12. Cumberland, Maryland had 5.9 occurrences of arson per 10k persons in a population of 20,372 in 2009. In Cumberland, Maryland, the known offenses of arson were 21 in 2006, 10 in 2007, and 10 in 2008.
Arson is any willful or malicious burning or attempt to burn, with or without intent to defraud, a dwelling house, public building, motor vehicle or aircraft, personal property of another, etc. (UCR Definition)
Year 2009 | Population 20,372 | Occurrences 12 | Occurrences (per 10k) 5.9 |
Year 2008 | Population 20,558 | Occurrences 10 | Occurrences (per 10k) 4.9 |
Year 2007 | Population 20,654 | Occurrences 10 | Occurrences (per 10k) 4.8 |
Year 2006 | Population 20,972 | Occurrences 21 | Occurrences (per 10k) 10.0 |
*Disclaimer: Each year when the FBI crime statistics are published, we compile the rankings of cities and countries on our website. These rough rankings provide no insight into the numerous variables that mold crime in a particular town, city, county, state, or region. Because of this, these numbers sometimes lead to simplistic and/or incomplete analyses that often create misleading perceptions adversely affecting communities and their residents. is not responsible for the accuracy or incompleteness of these figures.